Hello Stranger ~

It’s been a long time since I’ve visited my blog. My life has changed forever since our son has gotten ill. Hell, all our lives have changed.

He’s kinda really sick. (That other ‘T’ word is still hard to type) Bossman and I are his main caregivers and we are old farts. Not extremely old, but old and farty enough. The Queen of English (aka daughter) is no spring chicken and she’s dis-abilitied, (creative word day!) and helps as much as she can with administering meds, etc…

A nurse comes to the house once or twice a week as well as physical and occupational therapists who each come twice a week. I thought only very rich people had this advantage, along with their own cooks, hairdressers, make-up artists and wardrobe gurus.

Ours is a wonky position to be in as caregivers and I’m looking into doing something about it. I’m in search of a Professional Caregiver. I’m sending out an email to a man God introduced to me yesterday at Richland Place where our son stayed for a month during his rehabilitation from multiple seizures. He also lost his Kindle there which is why I was there yesterday – to pick it up.

Gracie, our wonderful social worker at Richland tracked the Kindle down weeks ago, but yesterday was the first time we were able to stop and get it. The Queen of English and I had been in the area at Vanderbilt for her first test in a study she’s involved in.  We stopped at Richland on the way home where I made the rounds in the Social Services area where I caught the girls up on our son’s condition and grabbed the Kindle. They gathered pamphlets together when we talked about having a caregiver come in for respite for Bossman and me. “Where’s Davis’ business card? I have his pamphlet… Don’t tell me I’m out of them. Oh! I have one left!” That was Gracie talkin’ there. Then she and I walked down to the PT rooms and said hello to the people that took care of our guy. They were excited to see me and looked for Chris. I explained he’d not been doing well and they were sad. I promised to bring our son up to visit them on a ‘good day’.

Gracie and I left the PT room when she stopped dead in her tracks. (possibly a bad term to use regarding a rehabilitation facility, but what-the-hell) “That’s Davis right in front of us!” She greeted Davis and we explained our need. He explained that his company had just added our area to their care map and he was the person overseeing that area.

He’s getting an email right after I finish this blog.

Thanks God.


UPDATE: 04/12/18     Davis came to our home and our respite care will start on Saturday and continue for all playoff hockey games and any other time we are in need. We are all confidant in this man and the company he works for. Thanks again God.